Resources for Students Currently Receiving School Services
County of Summit Developmental Disabilities Board (Summit DD)
Case management services
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD), which houses the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (BVR)
This is the program that provides individuals with disabilities the services and support necessary to help them attain and maintain employment.
Kent State Transition Collaborative (KSTC)
Visit this page to view the brochure and learn more about available programs.
Job Training Coordination (JTC) - formerly Option 4
Option 4/Job Training programs help students with disabilities make a successful transition from school to the world of work through hands-on experiences in real-work settings. Project SEARCH is a site-based job training opportunity located at Summa Health System. Students who have completed their academic credentials may apply for Project SEARCH.
Carol Sayre, Site Based
Work Study
The Work-Study Coordinator provides education and guidance, job placement assistance and follow-along services (on-going support on the job).
Matthew Marino
(330) 945-5600 x511238
Resources for Students Transitioning to Adult Services
County of Summit Developmental Disabilities Board (Summit DD)
Provides a range of services designed to help all individuals choose vocational and social challenges, and pursue them in the most integrated and least restrictive settings possible. May include support with obtaining waivers, exploring residential options, receiving respite care, and transportation.
Some examples of approved providers for Adult Services Day Programs include:
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD), which houses the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (BVR)
This is the program that provides individuals with disabilities the services and support necessary to help them attain and maintain employment.
Resources for Parents
Parent Mentor: The District’s Parent Mentor serves as a support person and an informational resource to assist parents with the special education process. The Parent Mentor Program is primarily funded by a grant through the Ohio Department of Education Office of Exceptional Children. The Parent Mentor has a webpage that provides connections to community resources and support, information on upcoming events (workshops, speakers, social/recreational opportunities), a resource library, information about specific topics of interest (the special education process, transition, guardianship), links to support groups, parent-to-parent networking, and many other topics. From the district’s main page, the Parent Mentor webpage can be accessed by selecting Parents, then Parent Mentor. You can also sign up to receive Parent Mentor E-alerts to stay up-to-date on valuable and often time-sensitive information, similar to how you register to receive general district and building news (click here for instructions). If you have any questions regarding the Parent Mentor program you can contact Darlene LaFontaine by email at or by calling 330-653-1296.
State Support Team, Region 8: SST 8 is an agency extension of the Ohio Department of Education offering regional services provided for Summit, Medina and Portage Counties. As one of Ohio's 16 SSTs, SST 8 will provide services and assistance to school districts and families in these areas: early learning, school improvement, secondary transition, and special education.