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Hudson City School District - 2025 Summer School
For Students entering Grades 9-12 for the 2025-2026 School year 

Registration Information 

The summer school program in the Hudson Schools is a self-funded operation. As such, the final offering of courses will depend upon enrollment. A minimum number of students will be required for a course to be offered. Students will be allowed to take up to 1.5 full credits for summer school. All registration forms must be completed online by May 1st. A confirmation email will be sent to each registrant within 72 hours of registering during regular business hours. 

  1.  Since a great deal of material is to be covered in the time allotted for Honors Geometry and Physical Education, daily attendance is vital. Three tardies equal one absence. For Honors Geometry class, the absences are limited to 2 days; for Physical Education class, the absences are limited to 1.5 days. Please do not register your child in summer school if they will be unable to attend class regularly for the full time that the class is in session. Absences due to vacations cannot be permitted during the time of courses. 
  2.  Checks should be made payable to Hudson City Schools or fees paid online. There will be an option to pay online, and a processing fee will be added. The fee for the class will be refunded if the class is canceled due to a lack of enrollment. Since we are hiring staff, no refunds will be made after a class has started.  Checks should be sent to Hudson City Schools, 76 North Hayden Pkwy, Hudson, OH  44236 attn: Summer School.  A link will be sent via email after your registration to pay the fee online.

 3. The parents of Hudson students will receive a reminder to review Final Forms for accuracy.  Non-Hudson students will be required to complete emergency medical forms.

 4. All Honors Geometry and Physical Education classes will meet at Hudson High School.  Health classes are online, and will need to complete the CPR requirement also.  CPR information will be provided by the health teacher.  

  1. Hudson City Schools, including Hudson High School, are smoke-free facilities. This includes the outside and the parking lot. Summer school students who use tobacco products on school grounds will be dismissed from the summer school program without refund or credit.  Hudson code of conduct applies to summer school students.

Registration for all summer school courses begins on January 31st at NOON.  
A link to register for the classes or a waiting list will appear on the district and high school homepages. 

General summer school questions - please contact your child's school counselor:

Hudson Middle School - 330-653-1320
 Hudson High School - 330-653-1420 
 Direct curriculum questions to the Assistant Superintendent - 330-653-1217