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Staff Resources

library resources
Staff at Hudson High School are encouraged to use the resources below to supplement their lessons.  The library media department would like to see this repository grow.  HHS staff are encouraged to suggest new resources.  


Reserving media center facilities

HHS staff are encouraged to reserve the many spaces of the media center for classroom and small-group use.  The procedures for reserving our various spaces can be found here:

  • Main floor
    • If you would like to reserve the entire media center for a major event (closing the doors to normal activity), you will want to register the request in FMX.  Please also consult with the media center staff for planning purposes.
    • If you want to bring a class to the media center or otherwise use the main floor while also keeping the facility open to regular activity, please register the request on Google Calendar using these instructions.
  • Instructional Space
    • Please use Google Calendar to reserve the large classroom in the media center.
  • Digital Den
    • Please use Google Calendar to reserve the multimedia Mac lab with green screen.
  • Collaboration Station
    • Consult with media center staff to reserve the small room with two collaborative tables and HD televisions for device displays.
  • Small Group Study
    • Consult with media center staff to reserve the small study room with couches and dry-erase walls.
  • Explorer Room
    • Consult with media center staff to reserve the small, multipurpose conference room with tables and whiteboard.


Resources for U.S. Observances

This website was developed by Hudson library media specialists to compile resources for teaching U.S. observances, including Patriot Day, Constitution Day, Veterans Day, and Black History Month.


Gale ebook professional development collection  

Over 100 digital books available for unlimited, simultaneous access on computers, iPads, Chromebooks, etc.


Gale in Context for Educators

Easily curate Gale resources to share with your students. Search for resources by standards. Includes lesson plans, quizzes. Collaborate with colleagues to create shared folders of resources that can be shared on Google Classroom.



Newsela is an online news-as-literacy platform that features high-interest articles on everything from current events to myths and legends and from literature to science. Articles can be differentiated and assigned to students based on their reading abilities. Our paid platform includes a dashboard to manage students' assignments and view both individual and class results, tracking progress toward meeting the related Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. 


Staff book recommendations

Staff at HHS are encouraged to recommend their favorite young adult books to our students.  We have a featured book display at the front of the media center that contains staff recommendations.  If you would like to recommend a book, simply click on the book recommendation form above.  You are welcome to complete the form as many times as you'd like.  Thank you for sharing your love of reading with our students. 

Gale Resource Tips

This "quick tips" help sheet contains information about how to maximize your use of our amazing Gale databases and ebooks for research.