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Grading and Report Cards


Grades are assigned by each teacher and are based on a percentage of students' daily assignments, written lessons, tests and class participation. Grades will be given in letters, and the letters will appear in the report card every 9 weeks. The letter has a numerical equivalency for computing the student's total academic point average.

Grading Scale

The following letters are used in recording marks for reporting purposes. Also indicated are quality points (Q.P.) for Regular, Honors, and Advanced Placement  courses.




The "S/U" option is the opportunity given to a junior or senior to select 1 unit of credit or less in non-required subjects for credit each year in which the grade will be either "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory.“ “Satisfactory” (S) will require a “C-” or higher for credit; this translates into an average of at least 70%. An average below 70% will result in an “Unsatisfactory” (U). This option is not available for honors or advanced placement courses. Sophomores in a third year of World Languages and/or who are taking elective Physical Education courses are also eligible for this option (PE students who have met the ¾ PE requirement). New for 2015-16: Students seeking Physical Education credit through the Credit Flex Option will be graded “S/U” due to the portfolio nature of the completed plan. Special Note: Students seeking admission to very selective colleges/universities should give extra consideration to the Pass/Fail option—these institutions may consider such options as unfavorable when transcripts are reviewed.

"Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory" credit will be included in the total credits being taken by the student, but will not be figured into the grade point average or class rank. Therefore, the “S/U” option does not figure into the GPA to determine a student’s eligibility; however it will count toward the 5-credit course requirement that also determines eligibility. The student's declaration for "S/U" must be made prior to the end of September for the first semester or year-long courses and the applications must be approved by guidance/administration. During the second semester, students have the first ten school days to select this option. Applications are available in the school counseling office.




Hudson High School does no long prints/distribute grade cards the 1st and 3rd quarters. Instead, students and parents can access, produce and print a grade card through Home Access Center by clicking on "Grades" and clicking the "print" button in the upper right-hand corner. Remember that quarter grades in isolation do not impact cumulative GPAs or credits. We will continue to print and distribute hard-copy grade cards after the first semester and in June--those are times when GPAs and credits earned are updated. If any student or parent wants the school to print the report card, simply make a request to Mrs. Éva Karas in person or email . If parents have issues logging into HAC--that's Home Access Center which provides up-to-date information on grades and attendance, 24/7--please contact HHS receptionist Cindy Benchek at 330.653.1416 or email The school year consists of two semesters. Each semester is divided into two 9-week grading periods for reporting progress to parents. Each quarter carries a 40% weight, with the exam adding 20% (40% + 40% + 20% = 100%). Quarter and exam grades are NOT recorded on transcripts; only semester/final averages are recorded!



Students’ names will be posted in the Hudson Hub Times every quarter indicating Honor (3.500 or better) and Merit (3.000 to 3.4999). This is accomplished by converting the letter grade of the course into quality points and totaling the points. After totaling the quality points, divide the number of academic credits into the total for the point average. “S” grades are not computed. Students who end the quarter with an Incomplete ("I") will not be included in honor roll recognition.



In order to be promoted to the next grade level, the student should have earned the following:
  • To Grade 10:    a minimum of 5 credits
  • To Grade 11:     a minimum of 10 ½ credits
  • To Grade 12:    a minimum of 16 credits

These guidelines should be viewed as a minimum. Usually a student will have earned more credits than are needed for promotion.