Meet Mr. Mangol
Mr. Mangol
My name is Brian Mangol and I am going into my 9th year of teaching social studies. This is my fifth year at Hudson High School and I will be teaching World History and AP Economics. It is the privelage of my life to have the opportunity to teach in a district with such an impeccable reputation with students who strive for success. I have a passion for education and a desire to help others discover their own passion for learning. History and Economics are subjects that have a lot of applications to current day and it is important for students to see how the history of the world has shaped and formed our country and how decisions made today, whether economic or social, can impact the world long after events have passed. I hope that I can make History and Economics interesting and get students to really apply the material to current day events. As a teacher I hope to take kids on a journey that is fun, most of the time, and informational all of the time! I also advise History Club and Anime Club so keep a look out for me if you have any questions.